For TENSAFLEX, human; It is one of our most important corporate values that is constantly developing and enriching. The human resource we created based on "Innovation-Unity-Success"; we aim to consist of individuals who are educated, experienced, have a high sense of belonging and ownership, are open to all developments based on innovation, value knowledge sharing and the spirit of unity, and adopt a participatory management approach and success-oriented work.
With our human resources strategy, we aim to employ a qualified workforce that is innovative, highly motivated and performant, and to increase loyalty by making this workforce sustainable. We aim to rank first among the companies we want to work with, with our human resources strategies, fair human resources policies and practices, which are shaped around the principle of "placing the right people for the right job".
It is among our priorities that our employees adopt the Group's values in reaching our targets determined by strategic plans and aim to achieve these targets with all their performance.
Recruitment Process
We have competency and qualification criteria determined for each position. In the recruitment process, we evaluate according to the suitability of the qualifications and competencies required by the position in the candidate, and we base our Leadership Competencies consisting of the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and motivations that all employees in the community should demonstrate.
During the evaluation phase, we conduct competency-based interviews according to the TENSAFLEX competencies of all our employees.
After the reference check of our candidates whose interview processes are positive, we make our job offer.
Education And Development
"Self-Improvement" is one of TENSAFLEX Leadership Competencies. In this context, we offer our employees opportunities to develop themselves and contribute to their personal, managerial, and technical skills.
We realize our development plans according to the 70:20:10 Effective Learning Model, which is determined to be valid in adult development and explains the focus of learning methods. According to this approach, 70% of development is achieved through experience, practice, and on-the-job learning, 20% by learning during relationship management and communication, and 10% by formal training methods within the institution.
In line with our vision and strategies, in order to lead our business and human resources in the most efficient way, to develop our leaders who live our values, to train our new leaders, to support the development of leaders and to create a common leadership culture, the knowledge, experience and knowledge available in the company as a tool that sheds light on the way of making the competitive advantage sustainable. We aim and practice to transfer the culture from generation to generation, to ensure the rapid adoption of corporate culture, to increase employee loyalty and to train strong leaders.
Career Management
TENSAFLEX Talent Management and Performance Evaluation System, which is included in the Management of Talent approach; These are our systems in which the data obtained are processed in an integrated manner within strategic HR applications in a cause-effect relationship.
It is an annual practice that covers all our white-collar employees working at TENSAFLEX. In line with the career goals of our employees, we prepare development plans in accordance with the needs and goals of the organization and implement them throughout the year. We create defined and systematic maps for our employees so that they can progress on their career paths in a clear and transparent manner.
We increase the strength and flexibility of our organizations by supporting positions with Talent Management.
Performance Evaluation System
Although the Performance Evaluation System (PES) is an application where we measure business results; It is one of our important processes that enables our employees to increase their potential and motivates them.
Within our Performance Evaluation System, we clearly and concretely reveal the business results we expect from our employees and guide them on how to achieve what is expected of them. We use the results of the Performance Evaluation System as important data in our strategic HR practices such as promotion and talent management.
Employees Satisfaction
We conduct the Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) biennially to measure our employees' satisfaction, loyalty, and commitment to the community on various issues related to their job and company. In line with the results of the Employee Opinion Survey, Action, formed by our employees from all levels, prepares action plans for the areas targeted for improvement. In line with the prepared plans, we have implemented practices that increase employee satisfaction and motivation.
We maintain the continuous improvement culture that has existed since the establishment of TENSAFLEX with different systems and applications.
We encourage our employees' transformation of sustainability in the community and effective and efficient use of resources under three main headings: "Economic", "Environmental" and "Social" sustainability. We meet the needs of future generations with social contribution projects and provide TENSAFLEX employees with an economic, environmental, and social sustainability perspective.
Operational Cost Improvement (OCI)
With this practice, we aim to improve costs with the suggestions of our employees to eliminate the problems they have identified regarding their departments and the solutions implemented after the approval of their managers. Thanks to this practice, which emphasizes our participatory management culture, we reward the projects realized with an encouraging approach.
Lean 6 Sigma
While we focus on the projects, we carry on reducing operational costs and simplifying processes, we also build on the fact that we act with social responsibility principles.
Customer Focus
To make the needs of customers the focus of every business; to develop and maintain productive and trusting relationships.
Continuous Improvement
Take action to improve the current situation; to identify improvement opportunities, to produce solutions, to offer and implement the suggestions of the relevant people.
To act quickly to achieve goals; Being proactive is satisfied with meeting goals both personally and within the team.
Trying to acquire new knowledge and experience; regularly seek and take advantage of learning opportunities; adopting and applying new knowledge quickly.
Our Leadership Competencies cover all our white-collar employees and managers; It is grouped under 3 main headings as Business Leadership, Organization Leadership and Self-Leadership.
We Lead the Business; because we are constantly growing our business, we look innovative to gain competitive advantage, we lead change, and we maintain our excellence in our operational processes.
We Lead the Organization; Because we create a high-performance culture to achieve success, we select the talents we work with, we attach importance to development, we motivate, increase performance, and lead our teams.
We Lead Ourselves; because we think that each of our employees is the manager of their own organization and business, we adopt continuous development as a principle, and we build our culture.